Category Archives: Events

Seminario Teorico Practico ‘Schutzhund’

Seminar Schutzhund G. Dildei
Obediencia – Tracking – Protección

Ven y disfruta del primer congreso de ‘Schutzhund’ y
contribuye con el desarrollo de los deportes canino en la Republica Dominicana

Dia 1 – Teoria:
Sabado, 14 de Nov. 2009, 9:00 AM
Hotel San Marco, Sto. Domingo

Dia 2 – Practica:
Domingo, 15 de Nov. 2009, 9:00 AM
Ring de la FCD, Feria Ganadera

Precio por persona con un perro RD$ 3500
y por persona sin perro RD$ 3000

IMPORTANT! Participants with dog

We have only space for 20 participants with dogs. The spaces are available on a first come-first served base. To make sure that you have your space, you need to register and pay a non-refundable deposit of RD$ 1000 as soon as possible. We can’t guarantee that there will be any spaces left on Saturday.

For reservations please write to or call 1 (809) 301-2112

**Cupo válido para 20 personas con perros. Reserva tu cupo depositando RD$1000, llamando al (809) 301-2112 o escribiéndonos a

Basic Obedience Seminar

Obedience April 08

On Saturday 19 April and Sunday 20 April the Club Dominicano de Deportes Caninos organises a seminar about basic obedience for dogs.

Day 1 Theory: Saturday 19 April, Salón de conferencia de Conaprope, Feria Ganadera starting at 16:00
Day 2 Practice: Sunday 20 April, starting at 10:00

Included in the price of 500 DOP is a CD with course materials and refreshments.

The poster/invitation can be downloaded as a pdf file here: obedience-1920-04.pdf

Obediencia Básica

Obedience April 08

Entrenamiento Canino: Obediencia Básica

Propósito: Resaltar la importancia del entrenamiento de los cánidos, presentar la metodología, conocer las herramientas disponibles y taller entrando en materia con sus propios perros.

Dia 1 – Teoria: Salón de conferencia de Conaprope en la ciudad ganadera el sábado 19 del presente mes 4:00 PM

Dia 2 – Practica: Domingo 20 a partir de las 10:00 AM

El costo es de RD$500 (no habra picadera solo refrescos y se proveeré material de apoyo, un CD)

The poster/invitation can be downloaded as a pdf file here: obedience-1920-04.pdf

Show 23/24 February

On the 23/24 February a show will take place at the Ring of the FCD in the Feria Ganadera.

It is organised by the Asociacion Canina Oriental and will start on Sat at 2pm and on Sun at 10.30.

As soon as we receive more detailed information we’ll be posting it here.

ACA Show – Obedience

Several members of the CDDC took part in the ACA Obedience competition on Saturday May 12.

Out of 15 contestants 12 were affiliated with the CDDC and we took home places two to five!

If anyone has photos of this event, please let me know.

ACA Show

This weekend we will be taking part in the competitions of the dog show organised by ACA.

Saturday May 12 Obedience
Sunday May 13 Conformation

Both events start at 15:00, the location is Megacentro, Plaza de Sol.

Mi Mascota TV

On Saturday May 5 Beatrice from Mi Mascota TV will host an event at the Feria de Libros.

Below the original invitation:

“Mi Mascota TV”  ha sido otorgado el honor de participar en las actividades de la X. Feria del Libro Continue reading